Build a company in Canada🍁

From Ideas to Reality: Your Partner in the Canadian Startup Visa Program

Why Us?

NOTAC is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses through the Canadian Start Up Visa Program.

Our services encompass everything from idea generation customized for the Canadian market to creating comprehensive business plans and submitting applications to business incubators. With our support services, we aim to provide you with the tools and resources needed to increase your chances of success in the program and in Canada. Let us help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals and bring your business idea to life.

Supporting clients in their pursuit of success and helping them to achieve their full potential.

Working closely with clients to achieve their goals through open and effective communication.

Encouraging and supporting creative and forward-thinking solutions

Our core services

Offering a variety of
business services.

Management Consulting

Partner with experienced professionals to drive your startup success from concept to launch.

  • Strategy and Advisory

  • Building sustainable financial plans

  • Creating compelling business plans

  • Raising capital for your business

  • Developing a winning market entry plan

  • Sparking innovative business concepts

Immigration & Legal

Moving to Canada or establishing your business legally, we have the expertise to support you

  • Establishing a legal presence in Canada

  • Drafting and negotiating legally binding agreements

    Ensuring your contracts protect your interests

  • Letter of Support - Startup Visa

  • Obtaining the necessary authorization to work in Canada

  • Achieving long-term status in Canada

Design & Communication

It is never easy to tell a story. Let us help you tell a fully immersive Canadian story.

  • Captivating presentations that bring your story to life

  • Branding

  • Establishing a distinctive and memorable brand

  • Developing persuasive marketing materials

  • Creating an online presence that reflects your brand.

Business Operations

The tedious tasks that drain your energy, excite us. We thrive on data-driven operations that drive exceptional results.

  • Streamlining business operations

  • Developing powerful software solutions

  • Driving results through digital marketing

  • Managing resources and timelines effectively

  • Growing your business, building partnerships, and expanding your reach

Workforce Management

Let us equip you with the strategies to manage talent effectively and efficiently. After all, it's the people who make a company, not just the products.

  • Fostering growth and skill development in your team

  • Building a diverse and talented workforce

  • Keeping your top performers on your team

  • Evaluating the potential and performance of your employees

  • Identifying areas for improvement and growth.

Why Canada?

Welcome Canada

Canada is a great place for businesses to consider for several reasons



‍Canada has a highly educated and skilled workforce, making it an ideal location for businesses that require a highly skilled workforce.


Canada has a well-developed economy and a large consumer market, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their reach.


Canada has a favorable tax environment for businesses, with competitive corporate tax rates and a wide range of tax incentives for businesses operating in certain industries or regions.


Canada is known for its stable political and economic environment, which provides a strong foundation for businesses to grow and thrive.


The Canadian government has implemented a number of policies to support and encourage business investment, including immigration programs designed to attract highly skilled workers and entrepreneurs.


Canada has a thriving innovation ecosystem, with a strong focus on research and development. This makes it an ideal location for businesses looking to develop and commercialize new products and services.


Canada is known for its high quality of life, with a strong healthcare system, a clean and safe environment, and a diverse and inclusive culture. This makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to attract and retain top talent

Why Startup Visa to Canada?

Permanent Residency from Day One



The Start-Up Visa Program is a federal initiative in Canada aimed at enabling capable entrepreneurs from other countries to start and grow their businesses in Canada without the need to immediately relocate. By partnering with designated entities and consultants, aspiring business owners can take the initial steps to establishing their companies from the comfort of their home country.


Successful applicants will have the chance to secure Permanent Residency status, as well as enjoy a temporary transition period to bring their families to Canada while waiting for their residency applications to be processed. They also have the option to start working on their businesses from overseas or to move to Canada once their work permits have been approved.


The goal of the program is to provide the resources and support needed for immigrant entrepreneurs to develop innovative, job-creating businesses that can compete globally. One of the most exciting aspects of the program is that aspiring business owners who collaborate with a business incubator don't need to have a fully formed business plan - they just need an idea.

Facts about SUV

Depending on the Designated Entity requirements, you may only need an idea, not a fully-formed business. ​No net worth or verification is required

A business Incubator gives you access to a team of Canadian support services and resources in order to develop your idea into a business​

The Canadian Government wants to see that you are working on your business hence the SUV Program​

You are not expected to have a profitable business within a specific time frame. You need to show that you have the potential to develop one.​

A start-up can have a minimum of two and a maximum of five co-founders, each with a minimum 10% ownership. Employees can also be considered co-founders.​

Program Fees ​can be split ​amongst the ​Co-Founders  ​

Work from anywhere in the world, there's no need to worry about relocation costs until you're ready.​

Permanent residency (PR) is achievable for each co-founder and their dependants under the age of 22 within eight weeks of the program.​

Ready to Begin?

Get in Touch with Us.

Our initial consultation is a chance for us to get to know you and your business idea. We want to understand where you are in the start-up process, who your potential team is, and if your idea has been validated or if you need help finding a concept that fits the Canadian market. This helps us determine how much support you need and whether the Start-Up Visa Program is the right fit for you and your business. If we don't believe your idea is a good match, we will be honest with you and either help you refine your concept or guide you towards ideas that tend to be successful in Canada

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